サンタバーバラの紹介 Information from Santa Barbara

サンタバーバラの街はロサンゼルスからおよそ90マイル(150km)北の海岸に位置し、チャンネル・アイランドとして知られる無人の岩の島のグループが太平洋の気候を守り、穏やかな気候を維持しています。町全体が北側の小高い山を背に南側に太平洋を大きく臨む環境になっております。これらの特長により、1年中暖かく、夏だけでなく冬でも、大勢の観光客で賑わっています。サンタバーバラの人口は、90,412(2013)で、10万人にも満たない市で、丘に並ぶ家々は、優雅なスペースを備えています。サンタバーバラの海岸線はまっ すぐ東西に伸びており、全体としては西海岸にもかかわらず、朝日を見ることができます。美しい海岸では水泳、ボート、日光浴に最適の環境です。景色は一様 として、薄いベージュ色のスペイン風の建物が並んでいます。劇場、図書館、デパートは、古風な見栄えを保っています。この小さな町は混雑がなく、空気もきれいです。町の産業は、観光、カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校を中心とした教育などです。




松濤ランド ビデオはこちら➡ https://youtu.be/5YSDM7Wrqfw

Santa Barbara is approximately 90 miles north of Los Angeles and keeps moderate weather protected by a group of rock islands that are known as the Channel Island, located 30 miles to the west. Also, the city faces south along the Pacific Ocean with a slightly elevated hill on the north side. Santa Barbara keeps warm weather throughout the year because of these features and attracts many visitors not only in the summer, but also in winter.
The coastline of Santa Barbara goes east and west, and although located on the west coast, the sunrise can be viewed looking east over the beach. The beautiful ocean water is ideal for boating and sunbathing and the view from above the city reveals structures of buildings that are of Spanish architecture with a light beige hue. Theaters, libraries, department stores, and other buildings also keep the old town charm. Also, the small town does not produce much traffic or air pollution as you would find in the larger cities. The city's industry is based on the education with the popular University of California Santa Barbara nearby. The population in Santa Barbara is 90,412 (2013) and there are very spacious homes in the hills.
The best time to visit Santa Barbara is between May and October. At this time, it is warm enough to lay on the beach and enjoy the local activities, such as bicycling, boating, fishing, beach volleyball, swimming, snorkeling, diving, whale and dolphin watching, kayaking, hiking, strolling, taking charter boat and yacht, and so on. The breeze from ocean creates pleasantly cool weather during the summer time. During the winter, it is still warm enough to enjoy activities such as tennis, golf and even hiking.

Santa Barbara has many wineries for visitors to enjoy. Just north of town, nestled between the Santa Ynez Mountains and the Purisma Hills, the Santa Ynez Valley has ideal climatic conditions for the grapes for Pinot Noir, Carbanet, Sarvignon Blanc, and Chardonnay. The wineries offer tours and testing for visitors. 
From the beach, a short walk up State Street will take you into town where there are many restaurants, boutiques, and shopping malls. Visitors can also enjoy the local museum, theater, art galleries, concert hall and watering holes. 

Shoto Land Video here ➡ https://youtu.be/5YSDM7Wrqfw

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