純愛プロジェクト Jun-Ai Project

このプロジェクトは、”純愛”という映画を通して世界の皆様に、国際交流を広げていくというものです。この映画の脚本家であり、総指揮者であり、主人公役を努めました、小林桂子さんが率いるプロジェクトは世界各国でいくつもの賞を取り、 そして、中国での幼稚園と小学校の設立基金寄付を経て、最後にロサンジェルスへいらっしゃいました。

Jun-Ai Project
We took a place a small screening of Jun-Ai Project in Los Angeles on March 27th, 2013.
The team of his project is global interaction through showing the movie that is called "Jun-Ai.". Ms.Keiko Kobayashi who is the screenwriter, producer, and actress who is playing heroin in this movie leads this project. She has been award-winning many times at several locations. She has also donated to build a kinder garden and elementary school in China.
In the end, she came to Los Angeles to show her movie.
We are planning to do a bigger screening in Summer, 2013.
Please encourage us.
Thank you.

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